Sunday, November 24, 2019

Chemical Elements Listed by Density

Chemical Elements Listed by Density This is a list of the chemical elements according to increasing density (g/cm3) measured at standard temperature and pressure (100.00 kPa and zero degrees Celsius). As you would expect, the first elements in the list are gases. The  densest gas element is either radon (monatomic), xenon (which forms Xe2 rarely), or possibly Oganesson (element 118).  Oganesson may, however, be a liquid at room temperature and pressure. Under ordinary conditions, the least dense element is hydrogen, while the  densest  element is either osmium or iridium. Some of the superheavy radioactive elements are believed to have even higher density values than osmium or iridium, but not enough of them has been produced to perform measurements. Elements From Least to Most Dense Hydrogen 0.00008988Helium 0.0001785Neon 0.0008999Nitrogen 0.0012506Oxygen 0.001429Fluorine 0.001696Argon 0.0017837Chlorine 0.003214Krypton 0.003733Xenon 0.005887Radon 0.00973Lithium 0.534Potassium 0.862Sodium 0.971Rubidium 1.532Calcium 1.54Magnesium 1.738Phosphorus 1.82Beryllium 1.85Francium 1.87Caesium 1.873Sulfur 2.067Carbon 2.267Silicon 2.3296Boron 2.34Strontium 2.64Aluminium 2.698Scandium 2.989Bromine 3.122Barium 3.594Yttrium 4.469Titanium 4.540Selenium 4.809Iodine 4.93Europium 5.243Germanium 5.323Radium 5.50Arsenic 5.776Gallium 5.907Vanadium 6.11Lanthanum 6.145Tellurium 6.232Zirconium 6.506Antimony 6.685Cerium 6.770Praseodymium 6.773Ytterbium 6.965Astatine ~7Neodymium 7.007Zinc 7.134Chromium 7.15Promethium 7.26Tin 7.287Tennessine 7.1-7.3 (predicted)Indium 7.310Manganese 7.44Samarium 7.52Iron 7.874Gadolinium 7.895Terbium 8.229Dysprosium 8.55Niobium 8.570Cadmium 8.69Holmium 8.795Cobalt 8.86Nickel 8.912Copper 8.933Erbium 9.066Polonium 9.32Thulium 9.321Bismuth 9.807Moscovium 9.807Lu tetium 9.84Lawrencium 9.84Actinium 10.07Molybdenum 10.22Silver 10.501Lead 11.342Technetium 11.50Thorium 11.72Thallium 11.85Nihonium 11.85Palladium 12.020Ruthenium 12.37Rhodium 12.41Livermorium 12.9 (predicted)Hafnium 13.31Einsteinium 13.5 (Estimate)Curium 13.51Mercury 13.5336Americium 13.69Flerovium 14 (predicted)Berkelium 14.79Californium 15.10Protactinium 15.37Tantalum 16.654Rutherfordium 18.1Uranium 18.95Tungsten 19.25Gold 19.282Roentgenium 19.282Plutonium 19.84Neptunium 20.25Rhenium 21.02Platinum 21.46Darmstadtium 21.46Osmium 22.610Iridium 22.650Seaborgium 35 (Estimate)Meitnerium 35 (Estimate)Bohrium 37 (Estimate)Dubnium 39 (Estimate)Hassium 41 (Estimate)Fermium UnknownMendelevium UnknownNobelium UnknownCopernicium (Element 112) unknown Estimated Density Note that many values listed above are estimates or calculations. Even for elements with known densities, the value measured depends on the form or allotrope of the element. For example, the density of pure carbon in diamond form is different from its density in graphite form.

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